
MythoReligio Book 1: History of the World & Jerusalem


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If you are really interested in comparative religion, I believe this is the basic that you should know: the JudeoChristian’s stories (biblical stories) versus the Islamic stories (Hadith); from the creation of the world, to the End of time, to the return of Jesus and Imam Al-Mahdi. As well as the JudeoChristian’s and Muslim’s religious background story concerning one of the most conflicted regions in the world: Jerusalem.

In my next books, I will be comparing more stories from the Hindu and Buddhist books, world mythologies then compare all of these data with modern science.

One of the purposes of this book is to make readers aware that although some of these religious stories have moral teachings that should be followed, some are just strange, illogical, unfair, unethical and unnecessarily cruel.

I hope nobody is offended by my statement, this is definitely not my intention. My main purpose is to find out the Truth. Unfortunately, we cannot learn the Truth without recognizing the false. In addition, I truly hope by realizing this, people of various religions can learn to be less judgmental and to respect followers of other religions.  But don’t just believe what I say, read the book and check it yourself in your religious scriptures, like one of book readers do.

Here is what he wrote on the review:

A review on Amazon about MythoReligio Book 1 by Ted Meyers, entitled: “Eye Opener”

Wow, the stories in this book are horrible.

I pretty much knew about the brutal Islamic stories but not from the bible.
Most stories in the bible that I know come from my schoolteachers and my parents but they never told me about these crazy details, the stories were always nice and inspiring. After reading this book I had to check the bible whether the stories described were true.

And it’s true! It is all in the bible!
I do not know what to think anymore.
Now it feels like I have signed a bad contract just because I did not read the fine prints.
I wonder if many people know what is actually written in the Bible ( I think not).

Most of the stories are about war, mutilation, illegal land grabbing and who is entitled for inheritance. Not the stuff you learn in school or from your parents or even the preachers.
No wonder that politicians and influential people with bad intentions often quote from the Bible; they can easily justify their behavior in the name of God.

I really do hope that many, many people will read this book so they will be encouraged to read the whole Bible from A to Z and see for themselves how ridiculous and unfair the stories are.

To the writer: Thank you for sharing and opening my eyes and mind.

*** end quote***


1. The Bible as a Yardstick
2. The Genesis
3. The Patriarchs of Israel
4. The Twelve Tribes of Israel
5. Joseph
6. The Leaders of Israel
7. Joshua
8. The Judges of Israel
9. The Kings of the United Kingdom of Israel
10. The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel
11. The Latter Prophets
12. The Messianic Age
13. Historical Background Before the Birth of Jesus
14. Jesus Christ of Nazareth
15. The End of Jesus’ Earthy Life
16. The Victorious Return of Jesus
17. Islamic Traditions


Peace, salam, shalom, namaste

Indy Jane

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